Buyers Score The Best Deals in October According to Jackson Hole MLS Data

Buyers Score The Best Deals in October According to Jackson Hole MLS Data

Jackson Hole MLS historical data shows that October is the beginning of the season for buyers to score big discounts off of listing prices in the valley. Sellers of properties that have not sold in the summer look to dump properties at a discount before winter comes.

The sold to list ratio chart shows the average ratio of sales price to original list price, in percentage.

This ratio shows how the sale prices of properties compare to their original list prices.

Numbers below 100% show that properties, on average, sold for less than their original list prices, numbers above 100% show that properties, on average, sold for above their original list prices.

For the last 9 years, there has been a consistent trend of the sold to list price ratio decreasing into October and picking up again in December when ski season begins. This means if you're a buyer looking to negotiate with a seller, on average, you'll have an easier time in Q4 (October - December) than any other season.

Give us a call and lets get you a property for a great price!


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